Frequently Asked Questions


Jobhoist is a leading job board agency based in Africa. We specialize in connecting talented individuals with exciting employment opportunities across the continent. Our platform serves as a bridge between skilled professionals and companies seeking top-tier talent.

Job seekers can visit our website and browse through a diverse range of employment opportunities. They can create a profile, upload their resume, and apply for jobs that match their skills and preferences. Our platform provides a user-friendly interface to streamline the job search process.

Employers can leverage Jobhoist to find the right talent for their organizations. We offer a platform where companies can post job openings, review resumes, and connect with skilled professionals across various industries. Our goal is to simplify the hiring process and help businesses grow by recruiting top-notch talent.

Jobhoist distinguishes itself by its exclusive focus on the African job market. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the region, allowing us to tailor our services to better serve both employers and job seekers. Our commitment to facilitating meaningful connections and contributing to the growth of businesses in Africa sets us apart.

Creating an account on Jobhoist is easy. Simply visit our website and click on the “Sign Up” or “Create an Account” option. Follow the prompts to provide the necessary information, and you’ll be able to access our platform to explore job opportunities or post openings for your company.

No, Jobhoist caters to a wide range of industries and job types. We believe in providing a diverse array of employment opportunities to meet the varied skills and interests of our users. Whether you’re in IT, finance, healthcare, or any other sector, you can find relevant job listings on our platform.

Our mission is to empower individuals by providing them access to a diverse range of employment opportunities. By connecting talented professionals with companies across Africa, we contribute to the growth and development of businesses, ultimately enhancing the overall job market in the region.

Yes, job seekers can opt to receive job alerts based on their preferences. By setting up job alerts, users can stay informed about the latest opportunities that match their skills and interests, ensuring they never miss out on potential career advancements.

No, Jobhoist is accessible to individuals and companies across the entire African continent. We aim to be a comprehensive job board that caters to the diverse needs of job seekers and employers throughout Africa.

For any questions or assistance, you can reach out to our customer support team through the contact information provided on our website. We are dedicated to ensuring a positive experience for both job seekers and employers, and we’re here to help with any queries you may have